

录取率:18%;考试成绩: IELTS 总分要求6。
单科目(Single subjects) 
- 精算科学和工业培训文凭(Actuarial Science and Diploma in Industrial Training) 
- 应用的语言和翻译 (法国/英国手语)(Applied Languages and Translating (French/British Sign Language)) 
- 建筑工程(Architectural Engineering) 
- 生物科学(Biological Sciences) 
- 生物科学 (微生物学)(Biological Sciences (Microbiology)) 
- 酿造和蒸馏(Brewing and Distilling) 
- 英国手语 (口译、 翻译和应用语言研究)(British Sign Language (Interpreting, Translating and Applied Language Studies)) 
- 工商管理(Business Administration) 
- 商业和金融(Business and Finance) 
- 企业管理(Business Management) 
- 商务管理与商务法(Business Management with Business Law) 
- 商务管理与企业(Business Management with Enterprise) 
- 商务管理与人力资源管理(Business Management with Human Resource Management) 
- 商务管理与市场营销(Business Management with Marketing) 
- 化学工程(Chemical Engineering) 
- 化学工程与工业培训文凭(Chemical Engineering with Diploma in Industrial Training) 
- 化学工程与能源工程(Chemical Engineering with Energy Engineering) 
- 化学工程与工业培训文凭与能源工程(Chemical Engineering with Energy Engineering with Diploma in Industrial Training) 
- 化学工程与石油与天然气技术(Chemical Engineering with Oil & Gas Technology) 
- 化学工程与石油与天然气技术与 Ind 培训文凭(Chemical Engineering with Oil & Gas Technology with Diploma in Ind Training) 
- 药物化学与化学工程(Chemical Engineering with Pharmaceutical Chemistry) 
- W.浸在工业培训药物化学与化学工程(Chemical Engineering with Pharmaceutical Chemistry w. Dip in Industrial Training) 
- 化学物理(Chemical Physics) 
- 化学(Chemistry) 
- 化学与欧洲语言(Chemistry with a European Language) 
- 在澳大利亚化学一年(Chemistry with a Year in Australia) 
- 欧洲化学一年(Chemistry with a Year in Europe) 
- 在北美地区化学一年(Chemistry with a Year in North America) 
- 化学与生物化学(Chemistry with Biochemistry) 
- 化学与计算化学(Chemistry with Computational Chemistry) 
- 化学与工业经验(Chemistry with Industrial Experience) 
- 化学与材料(Chemistry with Materials) 
- 化学与纳米技术(Chemistry with Nanotechnology) 
- 化学与药物化学(Chemistry with Pharmaceutical Chemistry) 
- 土建工程(Civil Engineering) 
- 土木工程与国际研究(Civil Engineering with International Studies) 
- 联合的研究(Combined Studies) 
- 计算机科学(Computer Science) 
- 计算机科学 (人工智能)(Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)) 
- 计算机科学 (游戏编程)(Computer Science (Games Programming)) 
- 计算机科学 (软件工程)(Computer Science (Software Engineering)) 
- 计算机系统(Computer Systems) 
- 计算机系统 (游戏编程)(Computer Systems (Games Programming)) 
- 计算机和电子设备(Computing and Electronics) 
- 施工项目管理(Construction Project Management) 
- 设计为纺织品 (时尚,内饰,艺术) 的(Design for Textiles (Fashion, Interior, Art)) 
- 经济学(Economics) 
- 经济学和会计学(Economics and Accountancy) 
- 经济学和商业法(Economics and Business Law) 
- 经济学和商业管理(Economics and Business Management) 
- 经济学和金融学(Economics and Finance) 
- 经济学和市场营销(Economics and Marketing) 
- 电气与电子工程(Electrical & Electronic Engineering) 
- 电气与电子工程(Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 
- 电力和能源(Electrical Power and Energy) 
- 工程(Engineering) 
- 工程物理(Engineering Physics) 
- 时尚(Fashion) 
- 时尚通信(Fashion Communication) 
- 服装营销与零售业(Fashion Marketing & Retailing) 
- 时尚男装(Fashion Menswear) 
- 时尚科技(Fashion Technology) 
- 时尚女装(Fashion Womenswear) 
- 财务(Finance) 
- 金融和商业法(Finance and Business Law) 
- 金融数学(Financial Mathematics) 
- 基础通路业务 (国际申请)(Foundation Pathways Business (International Applicants Only)) 
- 基础通路科学与工程 (国际申请)(Foundation Pathways Science & Engineering (International Applicants Only)) 
- 法语和应用语言研究(French and Applied Language Studies) 
- 地理、 社会和环境(Geography, Society and Environment) 
- 德国和应用语言研究(German and Applied Language Studies) 
- 工业工程 (化工)(Industrial Engineering (Chemical)) 
- 工业工程 (电气和电子)(Industrial Engineering (Electrical and Electronic)) 
- 工业工程 (机械)(Industrial Engineering (Mechanical)) 
- 信息系统(Information Systems) 
- 信息系统 (交互设计)(Information Systems (Interaction Design)) 
- 信息系统 (互联网系统)(Information Systems (Internet Systems)) 
- 信息系统 (管理)(Information Systems (Management)) 
- 室内设计 (高级)(Interior Design (Top-Up)) 
- 国际商务管理(International Business Management) 
- 国际商务管理及语言 (中文)(International Business Management & Languages (Chinese)) 
- 国际商务管理和语言(International Business Management and Languages) 
- 语言 (口译和翻译)(Languages (Interpreting and Translating)) 
- 语言 (口译和翻译) (德国和英国手语)(Languages (Interpreting and Translating) (German/British Sign Language)) 
- 语言 (口译和翻译) (西班牙和英国手语)(Languages (Interpreting and Translating) (Spanish/British Sign Language)) 
- 语言,口译和翻译 (法国/英国手语)(Languages, Interpreting and Translating (French/British Sign Language)) 
- 海洋生物学(Marine Biology) 
- 数学物理(Mathematical Physics) 
- 数学、 统计和精算科学(Mathematical, Statistical and Actuarial Sciences) 
- 数学、 统计和精算科学和工业培训文凭(Mathematical, Statistical and Actuarial Sciences and Diploma in Industrial Training) 
- 数学(Mathematics) 
- 数学与计算机科学(Mathematics and Computer Science) 
- 数学与计算机科学(Mathematics with Computer Science) 
- 数学与金融(Mathematics with Finance) 
- 数学与金融和工业培训文凭(Mathematics with Finance and Diploma in Industrial Training) 
- 数学与法语(Mathematics with French) 
- 与德国数学(Mathematics with German) 
- 数学与物理学(Mathematics with Physics) 
- 数学与西班牙(Mathematics with Spanish) 
- 数学与统计(Mathematics with Statistics) 
- 机械与能源工程(Mechanical and Energy Engineering) 
- 机械工程(Mechanical Engineering) 
- 纳米科学(Nanoscience) 
- 物理(Physics) 
- 物理与能源科学与技术(Physics with Energy Science and Technology) 
- 物理与能源科学与技术。(Physics with Energy Science and Technology.) 
- 心理学(Psychology) 
- 心理学 (应用)(Psychology (Applied)) 
- 心理学 (法医科学)(Psychology (Forensic Science)) 
- 心理学与管理(Psychology with Management) 
- 工料测量(Quantity Surveying) 
- 机器人技术,自主和交互式系统(Robotics, Autonomous and Interactive Systems) 
- 软件工程(Software Engineering) 
- 西班牙和应用语言研究(Spanish and Applied Language Studies) 
- 统计建模(Statistical Modelling) 
- 结构工程(Structural Engineering) 
- 结构工程与建筑设计(Structural Engineering with Architectural Design) 
- 结构工程与国际研究(Structural Engineering with International Studies) 
- 城市规划与房地产开发(Urban Planning and Property Development) 